I've never been a fan of Warlords. To be perfectly honest I've always found it extremely boring and tedious.
I never really liked the environment in Draenor, it's just as boring as the rest of the expansion.
Since I still have some hope that Blizzard will get their act together and finally make an expansion worth playing I'll just hang around until september and the release of Legion.
Until then I plan on playing some old dungeons and raids, and maybe playing some Secret world.
If you haven't played Secret world yet; What are you waiting for?
It's great and after you've bought it there is no monthly charge to play (If you don't want to that is). It's hard, that's for sure. But it's engaging and it's just to bad that so many people have missed it.
So...See ya 'round later. In WoW or in The Secret world. ;)